At LELOU, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. It is part of our policy to comply with any applicable laws and regulations regarding the personal information we may collect about you across our website,

We treat your data with the utmost care and respect. We will only collect and store the information you actively provide us with when participating in any of our services, including signing up to our newsletter and any information automatically sent by your devices while browsing our site. 

The following Privacy Policy discloses when and how we collect, use and protect your personal data. By using our website and services, you consent to the collection and use of the information you provide to us, as outlined in this Privacy Policy. 

Personal Information

We will only collect and use your personal information when we have a legitimate reason for doing so, such as the information that is necessary to provide our services.

This information may include: 

  • Name 

  • Email 

  • Phone number 

  • Home address (for billing purposes)

  • Date of Birth 

  • Details of medical conditions (for your safety while on retreat with us)

  • Emergency contact details 

  • Billing information, transaction and payment card or other payment method information (for payment purposes)

Security and storage of your personal information

All personal information collected is stored responsibly and in accordance with the recommended guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018. 

We only keep your personal information for as long as we need to. This time period will depend on what we are using the information for, in accordance with this privacy policy.  If, at any time, you wish for this information to be removed, please contact us at

Although we do our absolute best to protect your personal data, and once we receive your information, we adhere to strict procedures to prevent unauthorised access, unfortunately transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and we therefore cannot guarantee the security of your personal data at LELOU. 


When you visit our site, our servers may automatically log standard data provided by your web browser to inform our site analytics. This information is purely used to learn about site traffic and activity. It may include information about your browser, network and device, web pages you visit, your IP (internet protocol) address and further details about your visit to our site, such as clicks, internal links, searches, date and time of your visit and the time spent on each page. 

Collection and Use of Information

While we may use third party service providers to carry out business administration, data storage, payment processing, website hosting and analytics, which will require relevant personal information in order to fulfil their obligation, outside of these terms, we will never allow your data to be shared with another company or organisation for their use. 

We may collect information from you when you do any of the following: 

  • Enter any of our competitions, contests and surveys

  • Make a purchase or book one of our retreats or experiences

  • Sign up to receive updates from us via email or our social media channels

  • Use a mobile device or web browser to access our content

  • Contact us via email, social media or via the website forms

  • Mention us on social media

When you submit information to this website via webform, we collect the data requested in order to track and respond to your submissions. This information is stored and shared with our hosting platform so that they can provide website services to us and allow us to respond to you. 

This website includes share buttons which enable you to share pages or other content from this site to third party services, such as social media platforms. If you click the share button, these third party companies may receive your personal data including information about your browser, network and device, details about the web page or content you shared and your IP address. These third party platforms will abide by their own privacy policies which are out of our control. 

This website enables you to like or post a comment on some pages. Information that is collected when you like or post a comment may include your name, email address, information about your browser and your IP address.  

If you abandon an item in your basket, you may receive an automated email within 24 hours to remind you. This will occur if you close your browser or leave the website without completing your purchase, have already entered your email address at checkout and if the item or experience you were attempting to purchase is still available. The email will contain a link so you can return to the site and pick up where you left off. You can unsubscribe from these emails by following the prompts on the email.

If you have subscribed to our newsletter and/or have attended one of our previous retreats or events, you may receive emails containing our latest news and offerings. Your contact information will be stored with our web hosting provider so that we can send these emails. If you choose to no longer receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time by following the prompts on the email. 

If you book one of our retreats, experiences or make a purchase on our website, we will send you emails to confirm your purchase and follow up with further important information and updates. It is not possible to unsubscribe from these messages but we will only send the necessary information and not bombard your inbox. 

Use of Cookies

We use “cookies” to collect information about your activity across our site. Unlike the delicious cookies we serve on our retreats, this type of cookie is a small file or piece of text that downloads to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. We use functional and required cookies that help us to provide you with content based on your preferences. We also use analytic and performance cookies to view site traffic, activity and help us learn more about how we can tailor our content to serve our visitors. However, this type of cookie is only used with your permission via our cookie banner. Please note that this is an anonymous service. No personal information is gathered about you - we are only interested in how you use our website so that we can improve it and provide you the best service. 

Limits to our Policy

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other external sites that may be linked to our website are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites and cannot accept responsibility for their respective privacy practices.

You have the right to ask for more information about our policy and the information we may hold about you. Please contact us if you would like further details. 

This policy is effective as of 17 June 2024.