The Ultimate Feel Good Retreat

At Lelou, we explore the ways that we can improve our wellbeing and vitality, all whilst having as much fun as possible! If you’re the kind of person that loves to travel the world, meet like-minded people, indulge your senses in mouth-watering food and sun-drenched, botanical mocktails (or even cocktails!) AND prioritise your health, all at the same time, then we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re an avid marathon runner or you think that lying by the pool is a sport, you are welcome at Lelou.


Meet Hannah

Hannah Munnings cooking

Lelou was born from my love of food, travel, culture, self-care and a curiosity of what makes us feel good. 

The first seed was planted for Lelou during a yoga trip to India. I was working in the film and tv industry at the time and was in desperate need of some rejuvenation between jobs! The long hours, constant travel, lack of sleep and too much sugar (a poor attempt to counteract the lack of sleep!) had really caught up with me.

I had thought that spending time on the beach, soaking up the sun and doing yoga everyday would be good for me, but I didn’t realise how much it would impact me! I experienced the pure magic of taking time to reconnect with myself and disconnect from the busyness of life.

Within days of immersing myself into a fun and positive environment, surrounded by brilliant like-minded people and absorbing a new culture, I felt healthier, filled with vitality and more light-hearted. I learnt to slow down, be present and find joy in the little moments.

From that moment, I knew I wanted to help others experience this!

Hannah Munnings setting the dinner table

My training in nutrition, as well as my 7-year long training as an Iyengar yoga teacher, has taught me how our bodies have an incredible ability to heal when given the right care and nourishment. I’ve experienced this for myself, having overcome low energy, hormonal acne, digestive problems, debilitating headaches and migraines, anxiety and even parasites. 

To me, wellness means feeling good and becoming the strongest, most empowered version of ourselves - not about obsessing over calories and how we look in a bikini!

My mission with Lelou is to overthrow the belief that being healthy is ‘boring’ or ‘hard work’ and instead celebrate all the ways it can be fun, joyful and even indulgent …especially when it comes to food.

As a foodie, I’ve never been prepared to skimp on flavour. Food is still one of the greatest joys of my life and at the forefront of Lelou! I love channeling my creativity in the kitchen, using nourishing ingredients, to make seriously tasty and satisfying dishes.  In my opinion, food is more than just fuel, it is an expression of love that should be as indulging for your tastebuds as it is good for your body. 

I’m so excited to present Lelou! It’s such a privilege to hold this space for you to feel nourished and become your biggest and brightest self!

Hannah x

Travel the world with a wellness twist…



With a 360 approach to wellness, we don’t leave any stone unturned when it comes to feeling our best. Tasty, nutritious food and feel good movement are a huge part of our culture at Lelou, but we also delve into ways to find more joy, purpose and connection in our lives, to de-stress, overcome limited mindsets, unleash our creativity and access our intuition so that we can show up in the world as our whole selves with unlimited beautiful potential.

Sunlight on water ripples


There is no one-size-fits-all solution to our wellbeing. What we eat, how we move and what feeds our soul all affects us differently, depending on our unique biological make up and our needs on a particular day. At our retreats, we ensure that there is something for everyone. Think invigorating hikes, sweaty workouts, wild picnics, ice plunges, poolside yoga, healing sound baths, chilled beach afternoons, creative workshops and much much more!

Guests enjoying dinner


We have Fun (with a capital F)! Too often, the fun is lost in the wellness industry. Especially with social media giving us overwhelming access to information and opinions, wellness can sometimes feel more like a checklist to tick off, than a practice that actually makes us feel good. We focus on bringing as much joy as possible into creating sustainable practices that don’t feel like a chore. No need for restriction or deprivation! Just a light-hearted spirit and an open mind.